A dull ache in your temples or the area in front of the ears can sometimes be an early symptom of TMJ disorder. This condition of inflammation, or physical dysfunction in the temporomandibular joints might also cause discomfort when biting down, or an uncomfortable clicking sensation in one of the temporomandibular joints.
Since TMJ disorder can be caused by several different things, it’s important to fully investigate all the possible factors, to help Dr. Michael H. Connor develop an effective treatment plan.
The condition of bruxism caused by unconsciously grinding your teeth while sleeping can apply significant tension, and cause inflammation in the temporomandibular joints. This can significantly contribute to TMJ disorder symptoms.
If Dr. Michael H. Connor feels that this is a significant factor, he might recommend wearing a dental guard in your mouth while you sleep. This is a soft yet durable plastic material that cushions your teeth while allowing them to slip a small amount to reduce tension in your jaw muscles. This can also help to prevent chips on your teeth from the extreme grinding pressure.
A dislocation in either one of the temporomandibular joints could also contribute TMJ symptoms. This could mean that one of the hinged joints did not seat back together correctly. Without treatment, the misalignment in the joint can cause significant inflammation and the early onset of arthritis.
If you live in the Orlando, Florida, area and you are struggling with TMJ disorder symptoms, you should call 407-277-3300 to explore the treatment options available at Orlando Periodontics & Implants’s orthodontic clinic.