The American Dental Association recommends that you brush your teeth twice each day and make a concerted effort to remember to thoroughly floss at least once. This daily oral hygiene routine is intended to remove residual sugar, latent food particles, and plaque buildup before they can contribute to tooth decay and periodontal health problems. When these bacterial deposits remain in... read more »
In order to ensure your oral health care has the best chance of success, it is important to limit and protect your smile against any risk of hazards that may arise. This holiday season, your mouth will be at an additional risk for numerous oral ailments. Thus, it is important to make sure you protect yourself accordingly. Listed below are... read more »
If you think you might be a victim of gum disease, which is also known as periodontal disease, you need to call our office, Orlando Periodontics & Implants, and schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Michael H. Connor. Gum disease is a serious and dangerous dental issue that can not only affect your smile, but it can also affect... read more »
"I love chomping away at sticky foods, but I don't like flossing my chompers: how can I foil gum disease?" Short answer: you can't. Unfortunately, periodontal disease is habitually a sickness of our own makings. By consuming and drinking sugary chemicals, we put ourselves at risk of developing gum disease. To avoid it, you need to be brushing twice and... read more »
Do I Need a Deep Cleaning? Deep cleaning, which is also called scaling and root planing, may be recommended to those who have gum disease. This procedure helps treat gum disease, which is also known as periodontal disease. Healthy gums fit snugly around the teeth, but those with periodontal disease have gums that are separating from the teeth. This causes... read more »
Just as our team at Orlando Periodontics & Implants has to take precautions against oral infection in the office, there are things you can do at home to lessen the likelihood of oral disease. Beyond the ground rules of brushing and flossing, here are some tips to consider implementing: Wash Your Hands: When you were little, your mom and teachers... read more »
A dull ache in your temples or the area in front of the ears can sometimes be an early symptom of TMJ disorder. This condition of inflammation, or physical dysfunction in the temporomandibular joints might also cause discomfort when biting down, or an uncomfortable clicking sensation in one of the temporomandibular joints. Since TMJ disorder can be caused by several... read more »
Gum disease is an unfortunately prevalent oral health condition that is often the result of long-term poor oral hygiene practices. As time goes on untreated gingivitis can worsen into the severe gum infection known as periodontitis. The strong bacterial presence in your periodontal tissues can gradually cause your gums to recede from your teeth. As their relationship starts to separate... read more »
Are you familiar with the common indications and signs of periodontal disease? Periodontal disease, also more commonly known as gum disease, is a severe but debilitating disease that infects your gum tissue and can lead to problems and issues within your mouth including infections and permanent tooth loss. To help protect your smile against gum disease, look for the following... read more »
Brushing your teeth is essential to ensure your smile will not suffer from gun disease. If you fail to effectively keep your brushing care in top order by failing to brush daily, your smile may suffer. To make sure you are brushing effectively, here are a few tips that can help you: - Do not share your toothbrush with others.... read more »